Imaginary Documentary round table discussion

May 30, 5 p.m.

The Documentary Imaginary thematic residency emerges directly from OBORO’s open call for submissions. Three distinctive proposals came our way in 2016, from three artists engaged with diverse yet connected approaches to documentary praxis: Eugenia Reznik, Sophie Sabet and Tamara Vukov. Our artistic committee identified an opportunity to examine the potential for documentary forms – most often associated with cinema and radio – within the contemplative space of an exhibition framework. Each artist brings her own unique history and vision, resonating around a collective set of questions concerning auto-ethnography, veracity, subjectivity, kinship and diaspora.

Join us for a stimulating discussion at the intersection of three distinctive documentarians as they share theories and anecdotes related to their respective installation praxes.

The discussion will be bilingual. Live translation available upon request.


Photo: Laura Gonçalves, 2016.