June 14th 2019 6 pm

Sabrina Ratté et Samuel Arsenault-Brassard

“Studying the work of Sabrina Ratté is to glimpse otherworlds, built from elements of our own. The malfunctions, distortions, side-effects and feedbacks that emerge from Ratté’s use of obsolete and experimental technologies require careful, tactile orchestration. We see in them not only digitised hallucinations or portents of apocalyptic conditions, like the grey goo of nanotechnology plagues, but the nostalgic childhood hues of Super 8 film and 8-bit graphics and video tape glitches.” – Darran Anderson, author of Imaginary Cities.


Salvo represents the culmination of a long period of experimentation with digital sculpture in virtual reality. It is the discovery of the language of manual virtual sculpture and an evolution of the artist’s 2D paintings. The composition explores what makes the virtual reality sculpture unique: a complex, handmade, floating and detailed form. The architectural environment, fashioned by the artist, creates an indirect light that caresses the room from all directions and gives it life, as a fictional but undeniable presence.

