open lab_ at Perte de Signal HERTZ :: ALICE STRUNKMANN MEISTER

September 6 - 14, 2019 Opening September 6th
perte de signal is pleased to present “Hertz”, by Alice Strunkmann Meister, from September 6 to 14, 2019, in the rustines_lab. The opening of the exhibition will be held during the art party, Rentrée de Gaspé on September 6, 2019, from 5 pm.

In residency at perte de signal since August 6, as part of a partnership with the German festival Lab30 the bavarian artist will present the result of her research-creation for an open lab from September, 6 to 14, 2019.

Vibrations and oscillations are a phenomenon that constantly accompanies and surrounds us. Even if we are not always aware of it. In her work “Hertz”, Alice Strunkmann-Meister uses the photographic printing technique of Cyanotype, to visualize different forms of cyclic movement. By collecting them and bringing them together through a standardized visual language, they get connected.


opening hours
Opening on September 6th, during the Rentrée de Gaspé
September 6 – 14, 2019
from 12pm to 5 pm
from Tuesday to Saturday
Facebook event