Akousma Festival: reduced rates for CQAM members!

The best in immersive digital music in three evenings from October 22 to 24, 2019

CQAM “organization” and “individual” members benefit from reduced rates for the Akousma Festival:

  • Student price for the opening night of the 22nd, at Le Vivier/Gesù (1200, rue de Bleury – metro Place-des-Arts): presale $18 / At the door: $35 / Student rate at the door $25
    • TICKET: https://legesu.tuxedobillet.com/Gesu/son-immense-son
  • Student prize for the concerts of the AKOUSMA festival at Usine C on October 23 and 24.
  • Passport for both evenings is available at the student price ($24)
    • TICKETING 23 October: https://cutt.ly/Kes2slA
    • TICKET 24 October:https://cutt.ly/Yes2dk1