Call for papers : INRS’s 7th Student Conference

Deadline : February 1st 2020

The laboratoire / art et société / terrains et théories (l/as/tt), in collaboration with la Chaire Fernand-Dumont sur la culture and the Monde culturel collection (Laval University Press), is thrilled to present the seventh edition of its student conference on Friday, March 20th 2020 in Montreal, at the Centre Urbanisation Culture Société of the INRS.

Organized by graduate students affiliated with the l/as/tt, the conference is intended to be an interuniversity forum where students working on subjects related to culture and arts can exchange ideas about recent projects. The research committee wishes to put together papers on issues related to contemporary artistic and cultural practices, from the creative process to dissemination and audience reception of art and culture.

For the 2020 colloquium, issues of localities in cultural practices are at the forefront of our thoughts, for instance: relationships between sub-text and context, local and global, representation and territoriality, etc. In doing so, we hope to generate discussion on the interactions between art, politics and localities within cultural practices.

Proposals may be on any of the following topics, but are not limited to them:

The dynamics of creation, production, distribution, diffusion and circulation of artistic and cultural objects;

Functions of art and culture in society and their relationship to audiences;

Equality, equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice in arts and culture;

The conditions of artistic practice and cultural industries;

The relationship between emerging, established, and traditional culture;

Arts and culture at the intersection of conflicts and power dynamics. Issues around digital culture;

Globalisation and territorialisation of arts and culture;

Public policy concerning arts and culture;

The overlapping of the cultural, economic and political spheres;

Proposals can be theoretical and / or empirical. The research committee also encourages interdisciplinary perspectives that foster dialogue between different fields: administration, anthropology, art history, communications, cultural studies, feminist studies, film studies, gender studies, geography, indigenous studies, literature, management, musicology, performance and performing arts, political studies, urban studies, etc. Students are welcome to give presentations in English or French.

The committee members are discussing means of dissemination to potentially follow the conference.

Guidelines for submissions Proposals for a 15-minute presentation should be sent in one document (pdf) and should contain the following: A 300-word (maximum) summary of the paper including:

1. The context of the research topic and main critical issues;

2. The theoretical framework and methodology used;

3. The main arguments developed and, if possible, results of the research;

A brief bibliography for the paper;

A 100-word biography of the author, including their discipline, level of study, university, field of research, and research interests.

Only accepted papers will receive a response.

Submission deadline for proposals: February 1st 2020.

Please send your proposals to: