Akousma : Concert Électrochoc : Mercure+Patie+No UFO’s

Au studio multimédia du Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
January 30 2020, 8:00 pm (pre-concert interview at 7:30 pm)


1. Samuel Mercure: Index 897 (2020)  20’00

This composition is a sound manifestation resulting from explorations and research carried out on a sample of a Lorem Ipsum text. The words, the text and the substitute nature of it occupy an important place as much in the creation of the work as in its presentation. The speech synthesis used and the artist’s interventions are translated in a way that is as concrete as symbolic, explanatory as self-referential.


2. Pauline Patie: SURTITRÉ (2019) 10’49

« Silence contains all truths; speech carries all the lies. »

-Jacques Ferron

Ally or traitor, language musicalises the richness of thought. How many possibilities are there for language to say the same thing ? How many words are necessary to say nothing ? Is the word even capable in its song of offering freedom to our thought? I expressed this idea through contraction and relaxation of sound: a formal representation of the articulation of words, struggling with the twists and turns of thought.


3. No UFO’s: Jungle Gardenia (2020) 20’00

For modular synthesizer and digital support



Biographies at akousma.ca