AXENÉO7 : AUTORÉSIDENCES – Call for projects

Until April 22, 2020

In the current events which are causing us all to rethink our ways of doing things, the artist-run centre AXENÉO7 remains operational. As such, our spring programming of activities is not cancelled, but is being reimagined.

AXENÉO7 is proposing the following remote initiative to artists in order “[…] to expand the parameters of artistic practice and its presentation, and to improve artists’ conditions for production”.* As such, through this initiative, AXENÉO7 is going to participate in the collective effort to support the work of artists in isolation.

AXENÉO7 is launching a call for Autorésidences projects, of which we will accept ten proposals and are committing a financial contribution of $1,500 per project.


Artists are invited to submit an autonomous residency project that they can work on from their homes or their own studios during this period of self-isolation. AXENÉO7’s programming committee will meet virtually to select ten projects. In return, these selected artists commit to present the results of their residencies within the coming year, over the course of regular events to be held at AXENÉO7, depending on how the current situation unfolds.

Due to the unique nature of this crisis, confusion is a natural response. AXENÉO7 proposes that we reframe how we view this exceptional situation not as a limiting imposition, but as an opportunity for creative freedom, abundant in its virtuality. We aim to structure Autorésidences around the proposals we select and in collaboration with the artists. In the context of this call for proposals, AXENÉO7 wants to lighten the guidelines in order to allow artists to pursue their research and, in so doing, create a collaborative relationship which can extend beyond the limits of physical presence.


Your proposal must include:

► A 300 words which describe the project that you’ll be focusing on during this period of isolation.
► A 100-word biography.
► A CV.
► 10 images and/or videos of recent work.

➜ We welcome you to send your completed proposals to AXENÉO7 using the platform WeTransfer to by Wednesday, the 22nd of April, 2020 at 11:59PM.

Only proposals which are submitted by email in the manner described above will be considered and artists will be notified of the final selection by the 1st of May, 2020.

*From the artist-run centre AXENÉO7 Mission statement.

AXENÉO7 considers the importance of equity and inclusion in its artistic programming. The centre strongly encourages artists from marginalized communities to apply.