Main Film: Your online events !

Mentorship : Grant application
Pitch contest !
Script review: Short films


Until Wednesday May 27th at 5 p.m to suscribe
Quarantine special price : $60

During this period of quarantine many of you take advantage of this break time to work on your grant application.

This is why Main Film offers you a mentorship in order to review and rework your grant requests for all your types of projects. Experimental, fiction or documentary, whether for CALQ or SODEC. We favor short forms in experimental and in fiction especially, documentaries can be of a longer form.

A well-trained producer will meet you on Zoom during one hour and will discuss with you the different artistics and logistic angles of your project.

Your grant application must contain :
A resume, a realization intention note (1 page), a synopsis (1 page), a script and a budget. This is not mandatory, but it’s better if you have all these element in your application.

→ To send at :


Until Tuesday May 26th at 5 p.m to participate
Jury | Anne Emond, François Delisle, Dominique Dussault, Miryam Charles
A $500 prize to win & 4 day of equipment rental from Main Film (from Thursday to Monday) !

You have until the May 26th at 5 p.m to send a 2 minutes short video of you pitching your short fiction project at You must be face camera with no editing, like if you were pitching in real life. The video comes with a short synopsis (1 page max.)
The videos will be collected and watched by our Jury and they will elect the winner of a $500 prize and 4 day of equipment rental from Main Film to help him shoot his film.

→ To send at :

Good luck everyone !


Until Monday June, the first at 5 p.m to suscribe
Quarantine special price : $60
Mentors | Anne Emond, François Delisle, Bachir Bensaddek, Dominique Dussault, Miryam Charles
Have your confinement scenario (or before!) reviewed by our experienced filmmakers. they will give you 1 hour of feedback during a private online meeting on Zoom. A mentor will be assigned to each short film script based on its content and who can provide a better help.
→ Script and a short note of intent to send at :