Connect! – Womxn in Immersive Tech | Meetup #2 – Games

Social VR Meetups for Womxn
Friday October 2, 2020 from 2PM to 3.30PM
Meetup for Womxn on the social VR platform AltspaceVR
Connection via VR-Headset, Windows PC and Zoom live stream.
The second meeting will focus on Womxn, inclusivity and diversity in the world of XR games.
Further information on speakers* and participation will follow.
To stay up to date, we recommend to follow Goethe Institut Montreal and Women in Immersive Tech on Facebook.
The Goethe-Institut Montréal is initiating, together with Sara Lisa Vogl, co-founder of Women in Immersive Tech Europe (WIIT) and local partners, Social VR Meetups for Womxn.
These meetups aim at connecting Womxn from Europe and Canada, working in creative industries and around immersive technologies virtually to exchange and create new international connections and foster potential collaborations.
The meetups are planned as an event series, taking on a different focus for each event. At each event three inspiring Womxn from Europe and Canada will be highlighted, all working at the intersection of technology, art and media.
Partners in Montréal, amongst others:
Felix & Paul Studios
Studio XX
Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques – CQAM