Taxation of artists / 2021

The workshop will take place online!
Saturday, February 6th, 2021

First session:
9 am – 12 pm

Second session:
1 pm – 5 pm

Each session includes a 15-minute break.

Cost: $60
12 places are available.
Priority is given to artists and self-employed workers on the Montreal Island.

This workshop aims to demystify taxes for artists and self-employed cultural workers. In this training, trainer Philippe Beaulieu, CPA auditor, CA, will address several issues related to taxation for artists. At the end of this workshop, the participant will be able to :

  • Distinguish the different legal forms to exercise the profession of artist;
  • Know the particularities of the status of artists and self-employed workers in terms of taxation;
  • Name the main deductible expenses;
  • Be aware of the importance of books and records;
  • Differentiate between a deduction and a tax credit;
  • Determine eligibility for the copyright deduction;
  • Identify the tax impacts of ECP and ERCP on the tax return and how to prepare for them;
  • Know the deadlines for filing the tax return.


Please fill the registration form and follow the instructions that will be sent to you by email to confirm your eligibility and to pay the registration fees.


A member of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec since 2004, Philippe Beaulieu (MBA, CPA auditor, CA) operates his own arts management firm offering administrative support and tax advice to artists and cultural workers. He is also a teaching assistant at the School of Accounting of Université Laval and a course instructor at the Department of Management Sciences of the Université du Québec à Rimouski Campus de Lévis.


 In collaboration with  En Piste, regroupement national des arts du cirque, Regroupement du conte au Québec (RCQ).

For more information, contact us at 514 527-5116 or at