Conseil des arts de Montréal: JE ME VOIS À L’ÉCRAN | RESIDENCY

Deadline: November 22, 2020, 11:59 pm

Screenwriting residency for emerging film artists from Afro-descendant communities in Montréal.

The Conseil des Arts de Montréal is partnering with Black on Black Films to offer the second edition of the “Je me vois à l’écran” screenwriting residency. This pilot project aims to support the artistic practice and professional development of emerging filmmakers from Afro-descendent communities in Montréal and help them enter the film industry.

The 20-week creation lab will consist of writing and directing workshops and individual and group support. Four Afro-descendant artists at the beginning of their careers will explore their unique voices within a group of peers. Professional filmmakers will accompany them throughout program. At the end of the residency, the artists will have written a short fiction film that reflects their concerns and will enrich Québec cinema from a perspective that has not been fully explored to date: that of the Afro-descendant filmmakers. They will also receive a $1,000 bursary.

To apply: Form

See the Call for Projects on Black on Black Films website (coming soon)


Black on Black Films

Mylène Augustin and Marie Ka :