HTMlles Festival | Dismantling Your Electronics [workshop]

Wednesday, November 25, 5 pm – 7 pm
Dismantling Your Electronics | Lou Fozin
Online (Zoom + Mural) | Registration at


Designed for teens and young adults, this trading-game based online workshop encourages participants to trace the networks that extend from the digital objects we hold in our hands (phones, computers) to the international landscapes where minerals are extracted to produce those objects. They will explore questions like: What are the environmental impacts of digital technology? What do we destroy, and what do we create with these technologies?


The workshop involves a resource negotiation game using Zoom and Mural as platforms (we will provide access for participants), as well as discussion throughout and following the game. The artist will also introduce aspects of their practice.
Lou Fozin lives and works in Montreal. Their current focus revolves around sustainability and digital materialities. They draw inspiration from their interests in psychology, sociology and political science to produce sound, coding and 3D production works, alongside various others as they foster an interdisciplinary practice. Fozin’s work has been showcased at the festival SOIR (Montreal), the Design and Computation Arts end-of-year show at Concordia (Montreal), and the VAV Gallery (Montreal). They received funding from the Fine Arts Student Association for the collaborative project ‘Carrying Capacity 10’ (2018) and for the solo one ‘Dismantling Your Electronics’ (2019). Fozin is currently finishing a BFA in Computation Arts at Concordia University (Montreal).