Main Film : Directing Actors | Online

Tuesday, April 13th and Thursday, April 15th from 6 to 9 pm 


Instructor | Mélanie Charbonneau, director (Fabuleuses)

Members $105 | Non-members $150

This workshop offers a rare opportunity to get behind the scenes of the work between the director and his actors. Mélanie Charbonneau will enable you to explore all the stages of directing actors, from the crucial choice of casting, to the rehearsals at the table and the work on set.  Through several concrete examples from her film “Fabuleuses” Mélanie will present her work methodology to get the best out of her actresses. You will develop your ability to communicate your intentions to the actors and to translate them in terms of framing.

Workshop is given in French but questions may be asked in English.

You are encouraged to write a short note describing your project / your experience / your expectations so that the instructor can guide you best. → Send to

For more information, please send an email to: