IMAA Online Media Arts Presentation Fee Schedule

Preliminary proposal for community input : June 2021

IMAA is requesting feedback from the independent media arts community to ensure that the proposed Online Media Arts Presentation Fee Schedule meets its needs and sets adequate standards for the remuneration of artists while remaining realistic for media arts presenters to follow.

 Proposed Fee Schedule
— Please find the proposed fee schedule here.

Form for Comments
— Please send your comments using this formComments will be accepted until June 30th

Background and Additional Information 
— The proposed structure outlined is based on the existing IMAA Fee Schedule. It has been developed in consultation with a Working Group of 11 media artists and cultural workers and takes into account the information collected through 19 interviews with members of the independent media arts community as well as the responses received to a community survey on artists’ fees for online presentation. A more detailed description of the project can be accessed here.

— The final version of the proposed online presentation fee schedule will be presented to the IMAA membership at the upcoming AGM in September 2021. If adopted, the online presentation fee structure will be incorporated into the existing IMAA Fee Schedule, which, together with the CARFAC-RAAV Fee Schedule, sets minimum recommended rates for remunerating artists (the CARFAC-RAAV Fee Schedule is available here:

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Registration for the June 23 Public Consultation

—At the June 23 public consultation, we will welcome your comments on the draft fee schedule for the online presentation. We want to hear from you on its usability, the categories included, and the proposed amounts. The public consultation is open to all, but you must register by following this link.

Participation Guide
— Prior to the public consultation, please consult the Participation Guide.