Cultural Inclusion Issues in the Cultural Sector 

CQAM and AAMI are collaborating with Diversité artistique Montréal (DAM) to offer our members a discussion and training on inclusion issues in the cultural sector on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 27 and 28, 2021.  
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Artworks and Artificial Intelligence

déjeuner-causerie ia
The conference will be online!
Tuesday, April 7th 2020 from 9:30 to 11:30
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Artificial intelligence in the media arts, industry and academic community: Achievements, progress and limits

Friday, February 7th, 2020 from 9:00 am to 4:15 pm
A forum presented by the CQAM in collaboration with Element IA and Hexagram
Moderated by Matthieu Dugal
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Artistic practices, memory and social networks

Sébastien Cliche, Superviser l'oubli, 2019.
Friday, November 15, 2019 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Déjeuner-causerie about the challenges of preserving and accessing memory on social networks.
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Take a Stand. Ecology, technology and artistic practice in media arts

At a time when our societies are approaching the point of environmental non-return, an ecological positioning is also essential for all players in the media arts sector. 
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Cultural Mediation – which mediation? – Meeting and discussion

Vector of a consumerist practice of art, instrument of a socio-political awakening, gesture of democratization… cultural mediation does not form consensus within the arts community. Come and discuss these issues! With sociologist Anouk Bélanger (UQAM), two organizations (TOPO – Laboratoire d’écritures numériques and Centre Turbine) known for their numerous projects in this field, and another

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