Artistic practices, memory and social networks

Sébastien Cliche, Superviser l'oubli, 2019.
Friday, November 15, 2019 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Déjeuner-causerie about the challenges of preserving and accessing memory on social networks.

Social networks are places where our memory of events, news, conversations and interactions is stored in the form of data and media. For an individual, access to this memory is governed by algorithms and processes that are most often opaque. The storage and use of our data is also subject to commercial and political imperatives. We can then ask ourselves the question of the ownership of this memory. Who, between the individual or corporations at the head of social networks, owns and controls this memory? What is the nature of the agreement between the two parties? How is our relationship to memory transformed through this paradigm?

The last edition of the triennial Espace[Im] Média dealt with the themes of connection and monitoring. We will continue the conversation launched around the artistic proposals presented during the triennial for this 4th CQAM déjeuner-causerie with the event’s co-curator, Nathalie Bachand, the artist Sébastien Cliche and the art historian Christelle Proulx. Critical, philosophical and poetic discourses generated by media arts practices will be explored in order to stimulate reflection on our relationship to memory, as mediated through social networks.

Perhaps will we also come to see our para-artistic professional practices – the documentation, dissemination and promotion of our works and events – on social networks in a different way.

Coffee and croissants are on the menu!

Picture : Sébastien Cliche, Superviser l’oubli, 2019.


_Date : November 15, 2019

_Time : 9:30-11:30 am, doors open at 9:00

_Venue : Oboro studio, 2nd floor, 4001 Berri, Montreal

_Registration : please confirm your presence at and pay your registration fees here ↓
