Artworks and Artificial Intelligence

déjeuner-causerie ia
The conference will be online!
Tuesday, April 7th 2020 from 9:30 to 11:30

We are pleased to announce that we will maintain the virtual conference scheduled for Tuesday, April 7! Join us and our guests for a discussion via videoconference. The event is free and open to all.

Tuesday, April 7th 2020 from 9:30 to 11:30
Join the event on Zoom :
Free. Bring your own coffee 😉

Déjeuner-causerie on artworks created with or related to artificial intelligence technologies.

At the Artificial intelligence in the media arts, industry and academic community Forum organized by the CQAM, Element AI and Hexagram, we explored the technical, legal and ethical issues surrounding AI applications and developments in the artistic, academic and industrial communities. For this fifth CQAM déjeuner-causerie, we wish to dive deeper into artistic creation, by bringing together historical and practitioner perspectives.

During this event, we will highlight the varied and evolving independent artistic practices that rely on the use of AI technologies. The works presented by our guests will be contextualized within a history of generative art, in a form of introduction to the issue for the uninitiated and the curious.

The broader arts community and all those who would have liked to attend the February forum are invited to participate in this convivial event. As tradition dictates, coffee and croissants will be on hand and will provide us with energy-efficient food for thought – if we can afford a nod to the panel on AI as a creative tool, in which the comparison between the energy required to operate a human brain (15 watts) and an artificial neural network made many smile.
