CQAM / VYV / SAT Residency – Call for applicants

Deadline: October 31, 2019

The Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques (CQAM), the Montreal-based company VYV and the Société des arts technologiques (SAT) are pleased to launch the call for the 1st edition of the CQAM-VYV-SAT residency. This project allows an artist or a collective of artists in digital arts to create an immersive creation at VYV and the SAT, which will also broadcast it in its dome: the Satosphere.

We are looking for real-time audio-visual creation projects for broadcast in the Satosphere. The artist must have relevant experience in sound immersion and spatialization.

VYV will provide an artist with its human resources, laboratory and equipment. The selected artist will be able to explore new forms of dissemination with the support of qualified professionals for a total of 200 hours. The professionals will be chosen according to the technical specificities of the artist’s project.

The VYV studio is a loft-type space 25 feet wide, 40 feet deep and 13 feet high. The artist will be the only user of the space during his or her residency.

As part of this residence, VYV:

  • will host an artist in residence between January and March 2020 (4 weeks for the residency and two weeks of preparation for technical meetings and training before the beginning of the residency).
  • Provide technical and human support to the artist.

The following equipment will be available to the artist:

  • Projection :
    • 1 Photon server
    • 3 projectors 6,500 lm
    • Midi Controller
  • Motion capture and 3D tracking:
    • 1 Albion controller server
    • 10 infrared cameras
    • 15+ Copernics (infrared emitters with unique ID)

As part of this residency, SAT: *

  • Will welcome the artist in the Satosphere for one week between mid-April and mid-June 2020.
  • Provide specialized technical support to the artist.
  • Will provide immersion training adapted to the digital dome context.

*SAT could invite the artist or collective to present their work through its international network of distribution partners.

The artist will retain all rights to the work done. A fee of $2,500 including the broadcast fee will be paid by CQAM. For performance projects requiring the presence of the artist, a fee will be paid by the SAT.

The SAT will provide the artist its human resources, its laboratory, its specialized equipment and its dome. SAT will ensure the presentation of the project in the Satosphere.


Conditions of participation :

  • Be a professional Quebec artist in digital arts;
  • Be available on the dates mentioned above;
  • Have some immersion skills.

Provide the following documents:

  • Form completed ;
  • CV (3 pages maximum) ;
  • Past projects (immersive work or project model – web link)

Deadline for submission: 31 October 2019 at 5pm

A jury, composed of representatives from CQAM, VYV, SAT and external professionals will make the selection. Only selected candidates will be contacted.

514 527-5116


The Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques was founded on June 19, 1998. Recognized since 2003 as the media arts group in Quebec, CQAM brings together, represents and values independent professional artists, cultural workers and organizations dedicated to the media arts. The discipline of media arts includes digital arts and independent film arts. cqam.org

VYV was created in 2004, after the studies of its founders at the 3D computer graphics laboratory of the Université de Montréal. They made their expertise in 3D computer graphics by developing flexible and interactive video projection tools to meet the growing needs of the industry in this field. The link between VYV’s technological vision and the realization of large-scale projects (Cirque du Soleil, Justin Timberlake, Robert Lepage, Roger Waters, etc.) allows Photon, an interactive media server that combines power and flexibility, to remain at the technological forefront. vyv.ca

Founded in 1996, the Society for Arts and Technology[SAT] is an internationally recognized non-profit organization for its active and pioneering role in the development of immersive technologies, virtual reality and the creative use of very high speed networks. With its triple mission as an artist centre, research and training centre in digital art, SAT was created to support a new generation of creators/researchers in the digital age. Inside its spaces is the Satosphere, a permanent modular dome dedicated to the development and dissemination of immersive experiences at 360˚. www.sat.qc.ca

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