Cultural Mediation – which mediation? – Meeting and discussion

Vector of a consumerist practice of art, instrument of a socio-political awakening, gesture of democratization… cultural mediation does not form consensus within the arts community. Come and discuss these issues!

With sociologist Anouk Bélanger (UQAM), two organizations (TOPO – Laboratoire d’écritures numériques and Centre Turbine) known for their numerous projects in this field, and another one embarking on the adventure for the first time (Vidéographe). Ideas, danishes and coffee included!

In order to better reflect on this unavoidable challenge within the current artistic landscape and to better understand this unique type of mediation, questions will include: what issues does cultural mediation try to address today? What are the challenges of a cultural mediation project? What role does it play in the work of artists and the that of cultural organizations in the media arts? What conclusions can be drawn in the event of a successful or failed cultural mediation project?


Anouk Bélanger (UQAM), Yves Amyot (Centre Turbine), Michel Lefebvre (Agence TOPO) and Julie Tremble (Vidéographe).

Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Cost: $5 for members, $10 for members

Time: Doors at 9am, 9:30am to 11:30am

Location: Oboro Studio, 4001 Berri Street, 2nd Floor, Montreal

Registration period: Until November 26, 2018