Peter Van Haaften | CQAM/TURBULENT Residency 2019

Montreal, the July 16th 2019. The Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques (CQAM) and Turbulent are proud to announce that artist Peter van Haaften has won the residency at Turbulent. Thanks to the CQAM-Turbulent Digital Arts Residency, Peter van Haaften will be able to benefit from the support of a team of experienced technicians to create his TimeLine project. He will work with Turbulent’s developers and technologies, including M, a history creation and scripting engine, and HEAP, a content management software.

This $25,000 residency is offered by Turbulent and CQAM with the financial participation of the Conseil des arts de Montréal (CAM). The jury was composed of members of the Turbulent team, the Conseil des arts de Montréal and CQAM, who deliberated last May.

The idea of creating a work at the frontier of performance, theatre and video games is not without its challenges. Peter van Haaften’s project touched both the jury members and brought bold technological challenges to the Turbulent team. He is looking forward to starting the collaboration.

“I congratulate Peter on obtaining the CQAM-Turbulent 2019 residency. This is already in its 4th edition and I am very proud of the impact it is having on Turbulent and the Montreal artistic community. I welcome Peter to Turbulent. We are very excited to collaborate with him on TimeLine,” said Marc Beaudet, President of Turbulent.

The residency will take place from November 4, 2019 to November 4, 2020.

About the artist
Peter van Haaften is a multidisciplinary composer based in Montreal. He creates live performances, interactive installations and fixed supports for composers. Peter’s artistic practice musically reimagines the notion of the “algorithm” as a revealing process that can be observed in the vibrating behaviour of ordinary objects. His projects have been presented internationally at several prestigious festivals.

About the work
TimeLine will guide the audience through an interstitial space between the material dimension of the city and the emergent worlds of imagination. The audience will follow a personal musical journey presented as an indeterminate story and broadcasted across live telephone lines. By solving both musical and urban puzzles, the further contents of the story path are revealed. They discover themselves at the centre of an experiment in inter-dimensional travel, for which sound is revealed as a keystone of movement between dimensions and through time.


About CQAM
Founded on June 19, 1998 and recognized since 2003 as the umbrella organization for media arts in Quebec, the Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques (CQAM) brings together, represents and promotes independent professional artists, cultural workers and organizations dedicated to the media arts.

About Turbulent
Turbulent has been building innovative digital platforms that thrill audiences of video game, education, media and entertainment companies since 2002.

About the Conseil des arts de Montréal
A dynamic partner of artistic creativity in Montreal, the Conseil des arts de Montréal identifies, supports and recognizes excellence and innovation in the creation, production and presentation of professional artistic endeavours. It encourages openness, discovery and daring at the heart of Montreal’s artistic landscape, thanks to its initiatives. Since 1956, the Conseil des arts de Montréal has been an influential player in the development of “Montreal, Cultural Metropolis.”

Contact Turbulent                                                           Contact CQAM
Marc Beaudet, president                                                Isabelle L’Italien, Executive director                                      
514-788-8988 poste 240                                                  514-527-5116