The ADN Network

Discover the ADN Network launched with Québec's Digital Cultural Plan, the mandate of its agents and CQAM's publications on digital transformation.

For this first ADN column in the CQAM newsletter, I propose to present my mandate in a few words.

In April 2019, a network of nearly 50 digital cultural development agents distributed throughout Quebec took shape (RADN). The network is based on national, regional and sectoral cultural organizations. The mandate of its officers is to accompany their organization(s) and their community towards the acquisition of digital skills and a thorough understanding of the issues related to digital transformation.

The initiative is part of measure 120 of Quebec’s Digital Cultural Plan and is partnered by the Conseil québécois des arts et des lettres, the Ministère de la culture et des communications, the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles and Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec. The overall objectives of this measure are to foster digital appropriation by the cultural milieu and to equip its organizations through a structure – the RADN – that promotes the emergence of sustainable collaborations and collective solutions.

The Conseil québécois des arts médiatique has already begun to think about digital issues (Pistes de solutions pour un Plan culturel numérique porteurJournée de réflexion autour du numérique, Harnessing the natural links between culture and digital thinking (in French only)) and is committed to the development of tools, workshops and conversation spaces that meet the needs of its members in terms of digital appropriation.

As a digital cultural development agent for the CQAM, the RAIQ and the RCAAQ, I intend to promote the expertise, the ways of doing and the collective intelligence developed in the world of research-creation in contemporary arts, and identify the fields in which we could deepen our knowledge and improve our methods. For the next three years, I will focus on the issues of creation, dissemination, documentation, management and communication, which are constantly renewed in the flow of digital transformations.

For any questions or to discuss with me, you can contact me at this address:
adn.cqam.raiq.rcaaq [@]

Isabelle L’Heureux