MUTEK_IMG 2019 – International Call for Conference Proposals

Special international call for content proposals for the 5th edition of MUTEK_IMG, the forum on current practices in digital creation.

The 5th edition of MUTEK_IMG will take place from August 20 to 22, 2019. Originally conceived as a complementary off-season conference, IMG will unfold for the first time inside the framework of the MUTEK festival in Montréal, which will celebrate its 20th edition from August 20 to 25.

Deadline is March 26, 2019

Art, Technology and Society: Imagining Our Digital Futures

IMG will express a wide variety of topics concerned with new technologies and artistic practices; providing a high-level context for creators, professionals and creative companies to showcase and explore contemporary issues and engage in dialogues that ignite new ideas and generate business opportunities.
We are excited to open a special international call for content proposals for IMG 2019! Deadline is March 26, 2019

Targeted formats include presentations, case studies, panels, round tables, etc., as well as skill sharing sessions such as masterclasses and workshops, that

  • present the most recent cutting-edge artistic works and creative projects
  • reflect the current state of technological innovation and educate creators on recent technological developments and tools
  • stimulate critical reflection on the societal, ethical and political issues linked to our digital futures
  • discuss and contribute to the development and the flourishing of the digital arts and creative industries

Targeted practices include : artificial intelligence / audiovisual performance / blockchain and crypto art / creative coding / data art and visualization / digital art in the public space such as architectural projection, media architecture, interventions and installations / electronic music / media art and interactive installation / multimedia scenography and stage design / new digital and interactive storytelling / playful media / alternative video games / robotics / sound art / spatial sound / video / XR (virtual, augmented, mixed reality)

We are looking for high quality, inspiring content that is shared with generosity—from creators for creators! We are not interested in standard company/product presentations.
Please note that due to the international audience, all IMG activities take place in English.
This call is open to artists, academics, professionals and creative companies. It specifically encourages submissions from women, trans and non-binary artists, including those from indigenous and other marginalized cultural communities residing in Canada.

Selected proposals will receive a modest fee depending on the nature and scope of participation as well a free accreditation to the IMG Forum and a discount on the full MUTEK Festival pass.

IMPORTANT: If you’re from outside of Montréal your travel and accommodation is your own responsibility. If you are eligible to apply for a travel grant in your country or any funding that would facilitate your attendance, we will be happy to provide a letter of invitation in support.
For any questions contact us by email: