perte de signal and OBORO present a series of outdoor projections in videomapping

tonight Wednesday, May 22, and May 24 and 25, 2019, at 9 p.m.


As part of the Montréal ~ Habana : Rencontres en art actuel/Encuentros de arte Contemporáneoperte de signal and OBORO present the work of Milton Raggi from Havana, and Montreal-based artists Danny Perreault and Payam Mofidi. Three events of illusionist and architectural projections (videomapping) will be held in the public space on May 22, 24 and 25, 2019. map_mov is a mobile and flexible audiovisual projection kit used to support the presentation of videomapping projects. Danny Perreault and Payam Mofidi will present interventions on the theme of sound attack.

Event 1: May 22, 9 p.m.: Projections on the facade of 4001 Berri /
Event 2: May 24, 9 p.m.: Projections in front of Pôle de Gaspé, 5455, de Gaspé
Event 3: May 25, 9 p.m.: Projections at Parc du Portugal (accross the street of La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse)

Supported by the Programme de soutien aux actions culturelles de l’arrondissement Plateau-Mont-Royal.


Coming from a graphic background, Milton Raggi Vinueza experiments with emerging media, both through videomapping, individually and with the AXIS group, and with the creation of multimedia, interactive and multisensory environments. In parallel he works within the scope of sound art. His creations, largely related to abstraction, are the result of investigations stemming from filial, anthropological and media-related reflections. Milton Raggi lives and works in Havana.

Danny Perreault is an artist, cultural worker and teacher in digital art. Much of his artistic research focuses on videomapping issues. He has produced audiovisual works, volumetric video installations and participates in co-creation laboratories with other artists. He is interested in the aesthetic and social impacts of the digital arts, and collaboration is also an important part of his approach.

Payam Mofidi is a multidisciplinary artist, specializing in video, animation and painting. Of Iranian origin, he completed his studies in animation at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris, in 2009. He has since pursued his art career in various countries around the world, exhibiting in several shows and participating in many festivals. He won the Special Jury Prize at the Rythmetic International Festival in France (2010). Along with Ila Firouzabadi, he received the 2013 PRIM / MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels) Joint Residency.