Société des arts technologiques / Symposium 2019 May 29th to June 1st

The theme of iX 2019: 360 Playgrounds!

Domes, VR, AR, sensory augmentation, artificial intelligence… From May 29th to June 1st, 2019 the 6th iX symposium is waiting for you at the Society for Arts and Technology !

In a time when augmented reality adds layers to our landscapes and our objects, when virtual reality opens new spaces in physical architecture, when new mapping and capture technologies are done in 360°, we live in a true ambient intelligence that reveals playgrounds for action and creation everywhere around us. Every place, interstice, and distance is a potentially viable space for new imagination, new content, new proposals, and new conversation.

New this year: extended intensive workshops

This is why, for the sixth edition of iX Symposium, we’re offering participants extended workshops which will focus on deepening, experimenting, renewing, operating and outwitting these technologies that will orchestrate our future.


For more information : Société des arts et technologiques 


About iX Symposium
iX Symposium (for Immersive eXperience) is an international annual gathering of the leaders of immersive technologies, created in 2014 by Montreal’s Society for Arts and Technology (SAT). iX is a one-stop where experts and amateurs exchange, learn and create around domes, virtual reality, augmented reality and other immersive platforms. Every year, artists, researchers, developers, producers and digital enthusiasts from around the world are invited to share their knowledge on the subject for five days at the SAT. Focused on exchange and learning, the iX Symposium program consists of lectures, workshops, demonstrations, dome shows in the Satosphere  and hybrid art works in the rest of the building.