5 à 7 on distribution With Denis Vaillancourt and Jade Wiseman

April 1st, 2020 | Free

Denis Vaillancourt and Jade Wiseman invite you to dissect the various issues around the distribution of experimental works. This discussion is an introduction to the different stages of video distribution, from festival circuits to
other possible roads.

* Please note that our field of expertise is in the distribution of experimental works and that the information
will go in this direction *

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On the agenda:

  • Presentation of the speakers
  • What kind of work does a distributor?
  • Presentation of the standard contract and explanations of certain clauses.
  • Assessment of the scope of a work: Who’s the targeted public? Who do we want to present it to?
  • Festivals: circuits, premieres, fees, how to navigate?
  • Self-distribution, is it possible?
  • Resources.

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