Ada X: DIY Electro

October 24 + 25, October 31, November 1, 2020 + 1 date TBD

With Nataliya Petkova
1pm — 5pm (20h total)
$ 135 (taxes included) **see conditions (price includes equipment)
Online + Fab Lab du PEC  (Pie IX metro station -1691 Boulevard Pie-IX)
Workshop given in French by a bilingual teacher

*** This workshop has been adapted to an online format in the context of the pandemic***

To register, contact

In a Do-It-Yourself environment, participants will discover the physical phenomena related to electricity, such as electromagnetism and electrochemistry. They will learn to use integrated circuits and how to connect motors, light and sensors. The workshop aims to provide access to the expertise and resources needed in order to undertake the design of circuits and to add mechanical components when creating tactile, sound or electro-mechanical art.
Using the sound synthesizer project (Atari Punk Console), participants will learn basic soldering techniques. The last day of the workshop will take place at Fab Lab du PEC (Montreal) where they will  finalize their projects and meet a community of makers.

Acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge on the physical and electrical phenomena related to electromagnetism and electrochemistry;
Reading technical drawings;
Building integrated circuit prototypes to connect motors, light components and sensors;
Building a synthesizer (Atari Punk Console);
Becoming familiar with soldering techniques;
Developing a project incorporating all the elements learned in the workshop;
Visit the Fab Lab du Pec and meet a community of makers.

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