CALQ / PRIM: Film / Video artistic residencies at Montreuil in France

Application deadline : 10 March 2020

In order to foster sustainable links between Québec and French film/video makers and to contribute to the development of their expertise and artistic approaches, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (Conseil) has entered into a collaboration agreement with the Centre de création cinématographique Périphérie (CCCP) aimed at establishing a permanent framework for the program of artist exchanges and workshops/residencies created in 2014 between the CCCP and Productions Réalisations Indépendantes de Montréal (PRIM).

Under this agreement, a Québec film/video maker, author of a documentary film project, accompanied by an editor will undertake a two-month post-production residency at the CCCP, located just outside Paris, while a French film/video maker, author of a documentary film project, will undertake a two-month residency at PRIM in Montréal.

In accordance with the conditions governing the residency, the film/video maker must:

  • Have completed the filming of the work before departure for residency.
  • Be available during the entire two-month residency in France.

The CCCP team will provide the film/video maker and editor with artistic, technical and logistical assistance. The editor’s presence is key because the goal is to offer critical guidance and to take the editing process to the next level. Periphérie will encourage meetings with French documentary filmmakers.

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