Conseil des arts de Montréal : Call for applications

General Funding Program and Support Fund for Accessibility Costs (Pilot Project)

General Funding Program

Application deadline: August 31, 2020 (exceptionally)
Artistic disciplines: All

The program supports the creation, production, dissemination and presentation of artistic activities.


Given the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conseil des arts de Montréal (CAM) is ensuring the continuity of its programs, particularly support for the projects of professional arts organizations and collectives, as well as special project support for organizations with operating grants. In addition, to contribute to the continuity of artistic activities during this unprecedented health crisis, the CAM is expanding the General Funding Program’s objectives and criteria for funding projects.

These adaptations take into account the priorities identified by professional arts associations and groups with which the CAM has consulted, as well as the information gathered by CAM teams.

Due to these exceptional circumstances, the application deadline has been pushed forward and processing times will be shorter. Organizations and collectives that apply must ensure that their applications contain all required information and documents before submitting them, as applicants with incomplete applications will not be eligible.

There are several available funding opportunities:

► Project Grants for Organizations
Eligible mandates: All
These grants are intended for Montreal-based arts organizations to support a one-time, non-recurring project.

► Project Grant for Collectives
Eligible mandates: Research, creation and production
These grants are intended for Montreal-based arts collectives to support a one-time, non-recurring project.

► Special Project — Organizational Development and Pooling
Eligible mandates:
This component is for professional organizations that are currently receiving operating grants. Given the exceptional context, the Conseil is modifying its Special Project support program to meet organizations’ current need for adaptation and strengthening to ensure the continuity of cultural community activities, which have been affected by this unprecedented health situation.

► Fiscal Sponsorship
Eligible mandates:
These grants are intended for organizations that are seeking funding for their artistic endeavours and are willing to help the Conseil raise the funds by soliciting donations from foundations, businesses and individuals.

Support Fund for Accessibility Costs (Pilot Project)

What are accessibility costs?

Accessibility costs refer to costs that certain individuals, specifically those with visible or invisible disabilities or those who are part of the Deaf community, must pay to take advantage, in the same way as others do, of the services and programs offered by an institution or to create, produce or disseminate their art. Reimbursement of part of these costs by the Conseil des arts de Montréal may serve as a way to offset the financial disadvantage resulting from norms that hinder access.

The support fund provides:

  • financial support to submit a funding application
  • financial support for accessibility costs for a project that receives funding through the General Funding Program

Application deadline:

  • The deadline to apply for support for accessibility costs is the same as that for the program being applied to.
  • For organizations with operating grants or previously supported in 2020 under the General Funding Program, the deadline to apply for support for accessibility costs is September 15.

In accordance with its strategic planning for 2018–2020, the Conseil des arts de Montréal wishes to identify, acknowledge and support inclusive practices that promote the involvement and engagement of artists, cultural professionals and under-represented, excluded or marginalized audiences. To work toward full accessibility, the Conseil will continue to develop various pilot measures to test and find the best mechanisms to fairly meet all needs, including by providing specific financial support for accessibility costs through a support fund for accessibility costs.

Learn more