Eastern Bloc: DIGI-DEA | Demystifying Electronic Art (Online)

17 - 24 October 2020
  • 8 hours workshop given by Nicolas Lapointe 
  • On saturday october 17 and 24th 2020. From 2 pm to 6 pm | Online
  • Rate: 40$ 
  • Membership (year) : 40$ student || 50$ regular
  • Facebook Event



With Digi-DEA, participants will explore the creative possibilities of analog electronics and create their first circuits! This online workshop will provide the basic knowledge needed to develop electronic art projects.  Participants will use the Tinkercad online circuit simulator, an easy-to-use online program designed as both a learning platform and as a tool for electronic prototyping.

This workshop will teach participants how to create an analog circuit, how to build a circuit with an integrated circuit and how to build a more complex circuit involving two 555 timing circuits. The instructor will briefly discuss the historical relationship between art and technology, discuss cultural perceptions of electronic art, and provide an introduction to microcontrollers and Arduino. By the end of the class, participants will be given the opportunity to have one-on-one chats with the facilitator about personal project ideas.



Nicolas Lapointe is a practicing multimedia artist who received his BFA from the University of Ottawa and is currently completing a Master’s degree in Sculpture Arts at Concordia University. His artistic research focuses on how technology has altered the more organic aspects of human society (spirituality, creativity, identity) and what is left behind. He has received several awards and scholarships for his research including the Dale and Nick Tedeschi Studio Arts Fellowship and the FRQSC Graduate Scholarship.

Disciplined in both sculpture and digital art, Lapointe’s practice develops hybrid structures that conjoin physical and virtual materiality. Electronics are situated in technologically bare environments where material objects are reminiscent of digital processes. His sculptures act as artifacts from futures yet to pass sending messages from the virtual void. Drawing from his academic background, his work often pointedly remarks on the artistic practices that historically have directly impact his own practice.




This workshop has a limited number of participants and is reserved in priority to our members. If you are not already a member, we strongly encourage you to join our community and benefit from exclusive advantages by becoming a member before making your reservation.

If you have any questions regarding your reservations and the workshop, please contact lab@easternbloc.ca.

Refund and Cancellation

All workshop registrations are final and no refunds are possible. Eastern Bloc reserves the right to cancel the workshop if the minimum number of participants is not reached. In this case only, the training will be refunded.

In case this workshop was originaly scheduled in person and can not take place in the context of the pandemic, it will be adapted to an online format without refund. 


This workshop, subsidized by Emploi-Québec, is offered in priority to permanent residents and Canadian citizens. If you are not in these categories, please write to lab@easternbloc.ca before your reservation.

If you are an employee of a company with a payroll of $2M or more and this training will be paid for by your employer because you will be taking it as part of your job, you will have to pay the non-subsidized cost of the training. Please contact lab@easternbloc.ca to find out how to finalize your registration.