Eastern Bloc: Machine Learning: An Introduction With Python

On Saturday February 8th 2020 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

One day workshop with Lorne Schell, Mattie Tesfaldet and Edith Viau 

Eastern Bloc, 7240 Clark, 2nd Floor, Montreal
De Castelneau or Jean-Talon Metro || Bus 55 or 80
Member or student: 55$ || Régulier: 85$


PREREQUISITE: Be able to bring your own laptop computer to the workshop (no other device will be available) / Have beginner-to-intermediate level skills in programming / Be at least familiar with Python3 / If possible, have Python 3 installed on your laptop / be familiar with running commands on the terminal / things that won’t be covered in the workshop include: general programming skills, mathematical skills, Python 3 setup

DESCRIPTION: This machine learning (ML) meets arts bilingual workshop is aimed at building working knowledge of artificial intelligence for newcomers. A mix of theory and practice, the workshop builds a global view of AI for the arts through examples. Our objective: to have participants be at ease with the main concepts, vocabulary and algorithms of artificial intelligence (AI) by working together on practical projects.

DEFINITION: Machine learning is a set of techniques and algorithms whose goal is to create programs that are able to learn to accomplish tasks from examples in data, without having been explicitly told how to do so. These methods are of interest for the arts as creative tools and as sociological artefacts, to examine  the role of algorithms in our society.



– Interleaved sessions of presentation, examples and supported working sessions.

– Exploration of algorithms through concrete examples

– A cumulative work session will conclude the workshop

– The workshop will be followed by an optional evening networking session.


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