REGARD: Special edition, june 9-13, 2021

REGARD Festival 25th anniversary: SPECIAL EDITION, JUNE 9-13, 2021

In theatres – outdoors – online

To offer festivalgoers a primarily big-screen experience, emphasizing ambiance, spontaneity and safety, the REGARD team will present the festival’s next edition from June 9 to 13, 2021. With summer just around the corner, it will be possible to watch the world’s best short films in theatres, outdoors or online. The effort reflects the organizers’ perseverance and determination to celebrate the festival’s 25th anniversary in style!

After having to shorten the 2020 edition of REGARD due to the pandemic, the festival team is more eager than ever to put on a lively cultural event for its loyal audience. Based on the festival’s initiatives this summer, the team is certain that holding part of the event outdoors will provide more latitude for organizing screenings, while preserving REGARD’s special character.

Three short-film showcases

From June 9 to 13, it will be possible to see all programs in the official competition in the Festival’s traditional venues, while maintaining physical distancing. Festivalgoers will also enjoy open-air screenings at fully serviced sites, along with live music and special events. And to make the festival’s programming as accessible as possible, all films from the 25th edition will be available online to pass holders for a set period. Of course, all activities will be compliant with public health regulations. For that reason, these plans are subject to change.

REGARD at school: still happening in March

The region’s preschool, elementary and secondary students will continue to enjoy the festival in winter. Every March, REGARD has a special place in the cultural life of the region’s children and teens. The festival’s youth team knows how important it is to keep this important date with young audiences. Classes will therefore be invited to attend screenings in theatres from March 9 to 15, 2021. In preparation, teachers will receive dynamic film instruction materials and online links for showing short films at school.

Extended call for submissions
Good news for filmmakers: the call for submissions for the 25th edition is extended until December 15. In addition, the early-bird fee of $30 will apply until the new deadline. The festival’s programming team is eager to see the latest short films from around the world!

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