Ada X: Call for participants – The sympoiesis of an ambulatory reading circle

May + July 2021

Bilingual Workshop
5 participants | $250 honorarium + 2 passes to the Botanical Garden
Send a letter of intent before Friday, April 23rd at noon. Selected candidates will be notified on Wednesday, May 5th.

An ongoingness of voice in walking along with a chapter of Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene by Donna Haraway (2016). Haraway invites to think-with others-than-human. This activity hopes to enrichen approaches to sharing, by linking technology to the living, by expanding voices, opening up situated connections. Active listening and audio recording processes will be explored, during the walk and a circle discussion in a small group, while respecting public health instructions.

May 15: 3 hour on-site meeting at the Botanical Garden
May 22: 90 minutes online meeting
Week of May 24-29: recording session. Each participant will have prepared their passage from the chapter, ready for recording. One hour technical assistance per person included, as needed.
Week of July 19-23 (single date to be determined collectively): Walkabout with recordings, followed by a discussion circle near the Tree Pavilion, Botanical Garden (3 hours). Open to all publics.

Submit your letter of intent (max. 500 words) to before Friday, April 23rd at noon.

5 people will be selected and will receive a $250 fee for participation + 2 passes to the Botanical Garden (value $25). No purchases necessary. Participants accept that their recording will be available for listening by podcast.

Your making-kin guides are plants, sounds and senses, Gisèle Trudel, Susan Turcot, along with Sylvie Laplante and Émilie Mouchous. They (she) are artists, students and teachers at UQAM’s École des arts visuels et médiatiques and École des médias. They experiment with video, charcoal, walking and electronics.

Partner: MÉDIANE – Canada Research Chair in Arts, Ecotechnologies of Practice and Climate Change (, with support from SSHRC, CFI and FRQSC.