Call for entries (films) – 13e Festival de cinéma Les Percéides 2021

Until April 15, 2021

In view of the 13th edition of the LES PERCÉIDES International Film Festival, which will take place in Percé in the Gaspé region from August 17 to 22, 2021, all filmmakers, distributors and producers who wish to submit a film made after January 1, 2020 ( feature and short fiction, documentary, animated film, experimental cinema, student film) can do so until April 15, 2021.

Registration fees:

Take advantage of early bird rates for the entire month of February only (February 1 to 28):
$ 10 CAD for a short film (less than 30 minutes)
$ 20 CAD for a feature film (30 minutes or more)

Regular rates from March 1 to April 15, 2021:
$ 15 CAD for a short film (less than 30 minutes)
$ 25 CAD for a feature film (30 minutes or more)

Online registration form

In August 2021, the Les Percéides International Film Festival plans to hold its main activities and film screenings in the legendary Percé Art Center located in the heart of the village, the official venue and new cinema hall of the festival. In addition and after a resounding success in its 2020 edition, the Les Percéides International Film Festival is very happy to pursue its cultural partnership with the Ciné-Parc Paradiso located in Grande-Rivière, about twenty minutes from the village of Percé. The Ciné-Parc, which can accommodate nearly three hundred cars, will become the second main screening site for selected films and will be able to host meetings with filmmakers and cinephiles as well as special film events. Ciné-Croisière,  film industry activities and meetings, Ciné-Rencontres and special events will also be on the festival program. Finally, it should be noted that a committee made up of seven people from the world of cinema and the arts will be responsible for the selection of films submitted to this year’s festival.

For any further information please contact Olivier Bill Bilodeau, Programming Advisor and responsible for  the 2021 call for entry: