Elektra | Physical | Online PERFORMANCE

Join us live on Thursday April 22 at 3 pm (EDT)!

Before we can meet again in person, ELEKTRA offers you live on its YouTube channel, the audiovisual performance Physical by Matthew Biederman (visual) and Alain Thibault (audio), General and Artistic Director of ELEKTRA.

Physical refers to the physicality of the perception of sound and images and explores its limits where the division of the senses begins to dissolve. It asks the question of where perception actually occurs: in one’s head, eyes or ears? Or, quite likely, is it a more complex relationship?

Connect to our YouTube channel Thursday April 22 at 3 pm EDT, Montreal time (9 pm CEST) for this unique virtual event!

Event organized with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
(Connexion création – CBC/Radio-Canada)