June 29th and running until August 31st online

Eastern Bloc is thrilled to announce that the 11th edition of SIGHT + SOUND Festival will take place this summer. Titled Some Universe : Internet Spaces in a Postdigital World, this year’s festival will be held completely online, launching on June 29th and  running until August 31st. Running for two months, you will have the opportunity to participate in Eastern Bloc’s main annual event and join the reflections of 16 artists from Canada and abroad.

The 2021 edition of SIGHT + SOUND Festival takes advantage of the immobility we have all been forced into to propose a reflection about the aesthetics and politics of space and representation. Curated by Erandy Vergara and Tina Sauerlaender, the artworks help us imagine and speculate on what “space” really means in a post-internet and post-pandemic world. The exhibition invites online users to delve into the worlds produced by contemporary artists, provoking us to think about what kind of spaces we want to inhabit in the years to come.

The festival officially kicks-off on the evening of June 29th, when Toronto-based artist Roonie Clarke will host a participative Zoom performance (7 pm) where everyone will be invited to explore their own spaces, offering prompts and calls-to-action which will be posted on Eastern Bloc’s social media platforms. On the 28th June, Erandy Vergara, one of the curators of this year’s edition, will be joined by Eastern Bloc’s directors Alicia Turgeon and Cían Walsh for an Instagram Live talk  (6 pm) about this years’ theme, artists and artworks.

The online exhibition will take place on the purpose-built website which will go live on Tuesday 29th June – www.sightandsound.online. Visitors to the site will be encouraged to make a donation upon entry, to support Net Art, Eastern Bloc’s emerging artists and the next edition of SIGHT + SOUND Festival. Follow our daily updates on Instagram and Facebook!

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! >>>


Eastern Bloc would like to thank the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts de Montréal, as well as Canadian Heritage their financial support. We also with to thank our partner in this year’s festival, Goethe-Institut Montreal, who supported the production of this year’s edition.