GIV : Online program: Traces_ curator Annaëlle Winand

From April 22nd to May 2nd, 2021 | Free

Traces, recollections and other memories manifest themselves through disparate, poetic and recreated forms. With their work, the video artists of this programme invoke different memories: from bodies and spaces to shared filmic memory of fanatical celebration through the reminiscences haunted by close relations, the absentees and the forgotten ones.


  • PIÈCES – Anne Golden, 2017, 01:29, sans dialogue
  • ULTRA – Carol-Ann Belzil Normand, 2017, 02:12, sans dialogue
  • LE TEMPS PERDU – Zohar Kfir, 2017, 06:15, English
  • CHACARITA – Guillermina Buzio, 2016, 3:00, sans dialogue
  • TO THE NIGHTINGALES – Kandis Friesen, 2017, 10:54, sans dialogue, texte en français
  • MARIE, EU TE VEJO – Carol Fernandes, 2017, 03:37, Portugais, sous-titres en français
  • WIN-NIP-EGG – Lamathilde, 2015, 04:12, français
  • LA BOUTIQUE DES SOUVENIRS – Élaine Frigon, 2018, 01:30, sans dialogue
  • PÊCHER SOUS LES JUPES AVEC DES PETITS MORCEAUX DE PLÂTRE – Marie Dauverné, 2018, 13:05, français

Annaëlle is a PhD candidate at the Department of Library and Information Science (Université de Montréal). She holds a master degree in History and archival science from the University of Louvain (Belgium) where she also worked as an archivist. Her research focuses on the notions of archive(s), unarchived (inarchivé) and unarchivable (inarchivable) in experimental found footage films and videos. She is actively involved in various research projects in archival and film studies. In parallel, she is a programmer at the Montreal Underground Film Festival (MUFF) and Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV).