OBORO: Audio Art / Modular synthesis 05: Sound design between studio and on-site

Workshops: April 16 (5:30pm to 9:30pm), April 17,18, 24, 25 and May 8 (10am to 5pm)

Registration: March 18 to April 15, 2021
With Philippe-Aubert Gauthier
Pedagogical Assistant: Stéphane Claude 

Following on from the workshop Art Audio / Synthèse Modulaire 04: Performed modular and 3D spatialization (given in November 2019), the workshop Synthèse Modulaire 05: Sound design between studio and in on-site is of an intermediate-advanced level. It covers the possibilities of applied sound design, improvisation, and recording of modular instruments, as well as the spatialization of audio artworks using synthesis, transformation and modular control approaches.

In the era of the proliferation of digital technologies, we find that many established technological practices from the past are resurfacing; dedicated or modular circuits in small, portable sound recording equipment, and sound generation and processing that allow for a direct and physical approach to sound matter.

In this course, we will look specifically at the implications of studio production and site-specific creation in sound design. The targeted applications include moving image, performing arts, and installations in exhibition spaces with minimal computer and material resources.

To register, contact the New Media Laboratory by phone or by email: 514-844-3250, ext. 230 or lab@oboro.net.

Photo: Tanya St-Pierre
