OBORO : Call for participation | An-Laurence Higgins, Approchez, je vous raconterai ce que j’ai oublié

Virtual performance : May 15, 2021

Residency from May 7 to 15, 2021 
Participation until May 16, 2021

In this performance piece, An-Laurence tells the stories of her adoption, from her birth in China to her arrival in Quebec. The performance embodies a collective memory specific to adoptees in China during the implementation of the Planned Parenthood Policy (better known in the West as the One-Child Policy).

The artist will perform in a room filled with artifacts related to this collective memory. The public will be able to listen to her story, which will be broadcast live on the Festival Accès Asie and OBORO Facebook pages. Through performance and media creation, An-Laurence seeks to combine her current identity with her forgotten experience; a delicate and current reflection on the complex identity of adopted persons.

An-Laurence Higgins’ performance Approchez, je vous raconterai ce que j’ai oublié contains an offline participatory dimension. Originally, the performance invited the audience to interact with the artist. Since the online format will not allow for the physical presence of the audience at the presentation, An-Laurence will prepare 100 letters in French that contain a portion of the work and will be sent to 100 recipients at Canadian addresses.To become a recipient, please fill out this form before May 16, 2021, the day after the performance.

Photo: Laura Criollo Carillo
